Logo design
Maxi is a stationer in the United Arab Emirates that competes with the stationery industry’s most renowned suppliers. The function, design, and output of Maxi pens gives a world-leading writing experience, and the logo needed to match in both distinction and professionalism.
The bold, bespoke type design purposefully fits within rectangular confines for seamless and impactful application on the side of a pen or pencil, while the monotone palette avoids clashes with the broader Maxi product range (including pens with various colours of ink).

The M in isolation carries enough distinction to work as a monogram where space is at a greater premium, such as a website favicon.

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David Airey
Logo & brand identity design
64 Beechfield Avenue
Northern Ireland
BT19 7ZZ
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07739 530 457
Independent since 2005
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