Tailored throughout nineteen years in business, my terms are straightforward because it’s simple working with me.

Tailored throughout more than fifteen years in business, my terms are simple because it’s easy to work with me.


You’ll make a non-refundable 50 percent payment before the project begins. Work is scheduled as soon as payment is received. The remaining amount is payable when you’re happy the work has been completed to the highest standard. Final design files are supplied upon full payment.

Bank transfer in GBP preferred (Great British Pounds). Account details are within each invoice. Some of my overseas clients have saved money in bank fees by using Wise (www.wise.com — no affiliation).

Rights & ownership

On full payment you’ll own the final designs created during the project. Essentially, you won’t need my permission to do anything with the supplied files. The only right I reserve is the ability to use the work for self-promotion, such as in my portfolio, publications, award entries, and exhibitions.


You can call me on 07739530457 (that’s 447739530457 from outside the UK), Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, between 9am and 5pm UK time. I reply to emails within a few hours between Monday and Friday. Video calls on Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, etc., can be scheduled in advance.


If any details you share need to remain between us then just let me know beforehand. You can trust me to keep things under wraps, although as in the “rights” section above, I do share the designs I create.


I added this section on the recommendation of major design organisations. You agree to indemnify me from any claims, demands, losses, causes of action, damage, lawsuits, judgments, including attorneys’ fees and costs, but only to the extent caused by and arising out of the work I supply. That probably sounds off-putting, so let me just add that my work has never resulted in a legal dispute, and I’ve been at this game for quite a while.

Digital files

The design files sent to you on completion will be stored by me for at least a year, on the off-chance they get lost or damaged at your end. No charge to resend.


You won’t mind mailing me samples of print that result from what I’ve designed, whether that’s a brochure, business cards, posters, and so on. I can then photograph the samples for self-promotion.


Terms are supplied in writing with the first invoice. Receipt of your downpayment lets me know you’re happy to accept, and I’ll be delighted to get to work.

David Airey
Brand identity design

Independent since 2005
Website hosted by Fused

64 Beechfield Avenue
Bangor, County Down
Northern Ireland
BT19 7ZZ
