The Northern Ireland Design Alliance (NIDA) has made its Anatomy of Design talks available to watch online.

I’ve embedded one below, by Mike Reed of Reed Words, a writer with more than 20 years’ experience in the worlds of branding, design, and advertising. Mike has also been a judge and foreman in the Writing for Design category at the D&AD Awards.

The video lasts 48 minutes (with about 15 minutes of Q&A at the end). If you don’t have that long, I’ve timestamped a couple of spots where Mike talks about his writing projects (the second — for The Brink — is particularly good):

Watch from 13:45London Vision Clinic, design by hat-trick.

London Vision Clinic, by hat-trick

Watch from 17:57The Brink, design by SB Studio.

The Brink identity, by SB Studio

As Mike says, copywriting can be about much more than just tone of voice. It can form an integral part of a company’s brand strategy. And as David Ogilvy once said:

“Those who write well, think well.”

Catch the other Anatomy of Design talks on the NIDA website.